How does the Verjú laser system work?
The Verjú laser system produces a low-level, or cold, output that has no thermal effect on the body’s tissue (you can’t even feel it). FDA-approved for both efficacy and safety, the non-invasive Verjú laser system helps the body absorb and process cellulite by stimulating biological function.
How was Verjú tested?
Verjú was tested in a double blind, randomized, multi-site and placebo-controlled study which revealed that in two weeks of trials with the Verjú laser—without surgery, diet restrictions, supplements or any other adjuncts—patients experienced a significant improvement in the appearance of cellulite in their thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen when compared with those treated with the placebo laser.
Is the laser FDA approved?
Yes. Erchonia submitted the results of their successful clinical trial and the laser was granted market clearance by the FDA in August 2013 for the non-invasive treatment of cellulite on the thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen.
Are there any side effects?
There are no side effects; no pain, discomfort or recovery time of any kind. The Verjú laser system is completely non- invasive.
How soon could I see results?
Results vary from patient to patient but could appear after the first treatment. Best results typically occur a week after the last treatment.
What does the Verjú laser system do to cellulite?
Erchonia’s Verjú laser system is made up of six low level laser beams that sweep the area of concern for a total treatment period of 30 minutes. Without incisions, pain or even heat, the low level laser emulsifies adipose tissue beneath the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Can you feel the laser working?
The patient will feel no heat or any sensation from the laser.
What maximizes results?
Although not required, results may be maximized with lymphatic supplements such as niacin, proper hydration, light exercise, and minimizing alcohol and caffeine.